Translation: Extended Triangle Pose
I have been practicing Iyengar yoga for roughly about 2.5 years and have learned to appreciate the practice and benefits it has to offer physically and mentally which is why I have incorporated it into my life permanently. Creating a stillness in the mind for just an hour while performing the various asanas (poses) is truly rewarding if you come into the workout with an open mind and are willing to put aside all those distractions and feelings that you normally carry with you all the time. I have never been flexible and hated that I was never as flexible as others. I have slowly learned to become flexible through yoga, but more importantly (in my opinion) there is an awareness you learn about your own body and limitations through yoga. I've noticed a sense of balance and internal harmony since taking yoga. It's like you become attuned to your body and with that knowledge you learn a little more about yourself and your outlook on life and other things seems just a little different. Yoga is awesome.
So lately I have been thinking about trying out "hot" yoga a.k.a. Bikram yoga. The room is maintaned at a temperature of 95-100 degrees while performing 26 poses. Doing various poses at high temperatures promotes profuse sweating to rid the body of toxins and increased flexibility is observed since the body is warmer. Sounds good to me and I'll update if I have an experience with this type of yoga.
i've tried yoga a few times, but it didn't click with me. i have been going to the gym and (ego time) lost nine pounds since jan! woo hoo!
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome you lost nine lbs! Congrats! You've been doing really good so keep it up. Yeah, I have friends who don't feel the same as I do about yoga and they didn't find a connection, but I love how I feel after yoga. Pilates is really good too. I feel inner strength from both.