Monday, October 26, 2009

The Return of Somaly

Somaly (05/2009), before she went missing some time July 2009.


While I was away in Dublin over the summer I heard the bad news that tiny Somaly went missing. After giving up hope and exhausting efforts in finding her, she has returned home safely, creepily before Halloween...

What joy in having lil Somaly back. Looks like she was well fed though she appears to have led a rough life. She probably had to fend off other dogs/cats while dodging cars all on her own AND trying to figure out what her next meal was going to be. I wonder who she suckered into feeding her (it's not hard with her tiny size, big eyes, puckered lips and pip squeak cry) because I want to thank them for taking her in and caring for her. I am definitely that type of sucker myself when I see a little helpless fur ball. She did come back with a visible scar on her tiny head and a couple of tiny other scabs, but otherwise she seems cool.

Maybe running away to be free to find herself and explore almost 3 months on her own is enough for her to get that out of her system and remain permanent at home where she belongs!

Some photos of her taken last May.

With her sis, Phantom.

Somaly the day after she returned (night of Weezer concert) relaxing with BFF Lovely.

1 comment:

  1. "She probably had to fend off other dogs/cats while dodging cars all on her own AND trying to figure out what her next meal was going to be." ha ha ha.

    Maybe she got the scars after she had a fight with your friend, Opie the Possum, out in the wild backyards of El Monte.
