Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sweet Valley High and James Mathewuse

Sweet Valley High books ... oh the memories!

The memories are really coming back...

How I would make my Dad and my Aunt drive me to Waldenbooks or B. Dalton bookstore to see if the newest SVH book was out on their shelves. Sometimes I would also pick up a Baby-sitter's Club or Nancy Drew book along with my SVH. 

I would finish reading the book in one day or at most 2 because I always wanted to know how the twins were going to handle things or what story to expect in the next book so I can make plans to drag my Dad or Aunt again the following month. 

I hated when the story strayed away from the twins and focused on their dopey friends outside of their regular friends mentioned from #1 edition. Friends I loved to read about only include Lila Fowler (aka ultimate rich *top* bitch and Jessica Wakefield's BFF) and Bruce Patman (aka handsome but arrogant rich guy). They were full of drama which made SVH steamier. Enid Rollins (Liz's boring BFF) bored me to death each and every time the story was about her. I personally thought Liz should have hooked up with Nicholas Morrow because I couldn't stand Todd Wilkins and her story with Bruce Patman (Dear Sister #7) is probably the most memorable of all the SVH.

And the super editions! I absolutely *loved* those because reading the super editions was like being on a vacay with the twins. Seriously, it really felt like that!

During my breaks off from school, I would reread my favorite ones (including super editions) at my Grandma's house curled up somewhere in the house where it was quiet. Come to think of it, the house was always quiet with just them around. Oh, I how I miss my Grandma so much! But that's another story another time. 

I have my books stored somewhere (along with my baby-sitters club and the complete little house on the prairie) and I refuse to give them away. They are a part of my childhood that brings such happiness and I like being reminded if by chance I happen to stumble across a box of those books when I'm cleaning things out. 

Another thing that surfaces to mind is how I would stare so many times at the cover art of SVH. The twins and other characters looked sooo real. There was this depth to the cover art that drove me crazy wondering if those people actually existed and if not, who were those people that inspired the artist? The subtle touches he would include for each twin was just as important as their faces. Like their gold lavalieres, tiny dimples in their left cheek, Liz's barrettes and Jessica's loose 80's wavy hair with feather bangs. 

The realist drawings of the characters always remained the same from cover to cover. It was intoxicating staring at the cover. The interesting thing was that I never forgot the name of the artist who did the covers for SVH because the cover art sometimes played a huge role in me wanting to buy and read the book. When SVH started using real people at one point, it seemed like the magic was gone and I remember I stopped buying the books. 

Anyway, James Mathewuse was the artist who illustrated the covers for Sweet Valley High and Twins series. See his website below.

Author of SVH, Francine Pascal has mentioned talks of a SVH musical she hopes to open in L.A. soon. I can't wait! 

BTW, this entry was a direct result of the SVH game board I saw lying around. Yes, I do still own the Milton Bradley SVH board game.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

“I'm not a dictator. It's just that I have a grumpy face.”

Augusto Pinochet (Chilean President, b.1915)

Ivy says "allo".

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Instant Happiness in 30 minutes

There are *those* days that can drain us. And there are those days that can anger or depress us. 
Sometimes it could be anxiety one day or fear the next. Whatever *those* days are, maybe doing one or a couple of these mood boosters can help you feel a little happier. 

1. Raise your activity level to pump up your energy. If you’re on the phone, stand up and pace. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Put more energy into your voice. Take a brisk 10-minute walk. Even better…

2. Take a walk outside. Research suggests that light stimulates brain chemicals that improve mood. For an extra boost, get your sunlight first thing in the morning.

3. Rid yourself of a nagging task. Deal with that insurance problem, purchase something you need, or make that long-postponed appointment with the dentist. Crossing an irksome chore off your to-do list will give you a big rush of elation.

4. Create a more serene environment. Outer order contributes to inner peace, so spend some time cleaning off your desk and tackling the piles in the kitchen. A large stack of little tasks can feel overwhelming, but often just a few minutes of work can make a sizable dent. Set the timer for 10 minutes and see what you can do.

5. Do a good deed. Introduce two people by e-mail, take a minute to pass along useful information, or deliver some gratifying praise. In fact, you can also…

6. Save someone’s life. Sign up to be an organ donor, and remember to tell your family about your decision. “Do good, feel good” — it really works!

7. Act happy. Fake it 'til you feel it. Research shows that even an artificially induced smile boosts your mood. And if you’re smiling, other people will perceive you as being friendlier and more approachable.

8. Learn something new. Think of a subject that you wish you knew more about and spend 15 minutes on the Internet reading about it, or go to a bookstore and buy a book about it. But be honest! Pick a topic that really interests you, not something you think you "should" or "need" to learn about.

9. Good ol' Happy Hour. Research shows that just enjoying drinks and being social with friends have been proven to lift spirits. 

My thoughts:

#7 definitely works for me. Just faking it allows me to go along with it and somehow makes me feel slightly better. 

#1 and #3 is also a sure bet. 

#9, YES! Guaranteed to make you feel better. Just kidding, I added #9 in the mix, but it should also serve to remedy your low mood levels (imo).

Bikini Weather

Although the weather has cooled down significantly, the past few days has been excruciatingly hot. You can also observe how the hot temperature has affected others by paying attention to the drivers! A heated closed system can make it unstable and eventually blow up. I examined this while just driving on my daily commute. People were angrier and the driving was aggressive. This makes sense since we don't know how to handle an excessive certain amount of heat and we not only experience a lack of energy, but we become irritable, sometimes violent, etc., and those feelings eventually are expressed negatively somehow.

Working out in this heat is not fun either! Anyway, the heat had me daydreaming about lazily soaking up some sun at the beach which led me to thinking about buying a new bikini for the summer. I scored on a teal Brazilian cut bikini for only $29. It was like 81% off the original price of $160! I mean, how could I resist a deal like that. I was thrilled to see that they even had the teal color I wanted in my size available. The design team is called Peonie and they are based in Brazil. They have traveled to many popular beaches to find inspiration in constructing their idea of the perfect swimsuit. It looks like other bikinis I have seen, but it was only $29!

The model doesn't seem to do justice to the bikini, but I love the color and overall cut. 

Too bad the beaches are so far away and not like the luxury of being in Waikiki and having the beach just a few steps away from your hotel. C'est la vie.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

7th Edition Schmap Niagara Falls Guide

Update: My photo got chosen to be included in 7th Edition Schmap Niagara Falls Guide! I'm happy they selected it! I've included it again in this post and there is a widget on the left side showing the photos they selected for the guide. 

FYI: My photo is #3 in the widget.

Braganza Family Tree

I listen to my parents and relatives talk about their lineage all the time whether at home or at some family function. The talk is always "where so and so came from", "who he/she was married to", to their kids, etc. blah, blah, blah. My cousins Jessica and Brian and I have talked about actually constructing a family tree for our family, the Braganzas. I did a little research and came across some interesting stuff online that I will post whenever I have some actual free time (which seems like never these days! it's a miracle I am actually posting right now!). I continue to press for more questions asking if one of our relatives knows more information, how come they haven't created a rough draft and why are we just going off of what some older relative has said and no one wants to further investigate or document anything? Yes, I can be very annoying because those are just only a few questions I have asked out of many and it boggles my mind that by telling stories is enough information for me to pass down later on with confidence just as my parents had that same information passed down from their parents and older relatives.

Anyway, long story short, my Mom finally answered me and said a few of our relatives are actually doing research on it. I'm eager to hear what other information they have found but who knows when that will happen. I do have some information to contribute and ask them about if they haven't yet found out about it. She also mentioned that her Aunt, and my Grandmother Rosie actually has a BOOK on the Braganza family. I then asked her, " then how come you don't have a copy or try to get it from her?". I don't remember her response, probably because she deflected my question when I continued to press her for details. I completely forgot about that book she has in her possession that was written by some people in Alaminos City in the Philippines. I am going to inquire about the book she supposedly has myself since no one has bothered to do so. 

It turns out that my Mom just got a copy of a family tree, more like a rough draft. I have no idea who constructed it, but I plan to ask her more questions. It begins and dates back to 1822 with Mr. Agapito Braganza. Believe me, I would love to know if they can find any info on his parents that would take the tree back to approximately mid to late 1700s which would be so awesome to have documented.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Assisted Suicide: Yes/No???

Founder of Dignitas, Ludwig Minelli can help you end your life (even if you are a healthy individual) if your terminally ill significant other passes away and you cannot bare to live after such a loss. That is actually one type of example in this article in which Minelli shares his thoughts on such a controversial subject.

Assisted suicide is legal in Switzerland (no surprise!).

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Schmap Guide Selected Niagara Falls Photo

So I got an email saying that one of my Flickr photos taken during a conference in Niagara Falls last summer was chosen to be short-listed for inclusion in the 7th edition of Schmap Niagara Falls Guide, to be published late April 2009.

Exciting! I never think the few photos I capture are either artistic or interesting so I'm ecstatic that Schmap looked beyond all that and chose one of my photos to be submitted into their guide.

Here is the photo they chose for the Schmap Niagara Falls Guide of the Canadian side Niagara Falls also showing the Maid of the Mist Tour:

Get With the Purple Berry

I have recently become a lover of the purple berry that hails from Brazil called açaí (pronounced ah-sigh-ee). Usually a creature of habit when it comes to my food/snack cravings, I let my favorite ice cream/smoothie owner convince me to try açaí since he just started serving it. First it started with the sample and I thought how delicious it tasted and after a long day of shopping, I was in a much-needed mood for a cold and refreshing smoothie. So instead of ordering my usual nonfat strawberry and banana smoothie with no whip cream, I ordered the açaí smoothie and was a very happy girl.

The only thing I know about açaí is that the fruit is from Brazil and it is in fact loaded with antioxidants. Another incentive of ordering it besides the taste of the yummy berry. While I waited for them to blend my drink, I also noticed another thing that was a SCORE (imo anyway!): Sambazon Açaí Energy Drink!!! I am well aware of how bad excess amounts of caffeine is for the body but there are frequent moments when I need a boost from all the studying, working, reading, worrying, etc. that can let me function and use up the time just a little bit more because I have to stay up and really need to stay up to get things done. I'm usually a Red Bull fan because I actually do enjoy the sweet taste that sometimes reminds me of strawberry jello before it has been chilled. 

The owner told me to make sure the energy drink was chilled and he guaranteed me it would taste like wine and let me tell you, oh boy, oh boy, it did taste like wine and went down easily not like that gross Monster energy drink I really don't like.

Overall review: A+

Some information on açaí taken from Sambazon:

1. Grown in the Amazon rainforest, açaí has a rich berry-cocoa flavor that makes it taste amazing and is packed with more antioxidants than blueberries or pomegranates (!), plus loads of healthy Omega fats, proteins and dietary fiber.

2. Antioxidant strength: strawberry < blueberry < pomegranate < açaí

3. Studies have shown how the French and Mediterranean diets, rich in red wine and olive oil, help maintain healthy heart, body, brain and skin. Organic açaí combines the best of both diets with 30x the antioxidants of red wine, and an essential fatty acid profile similar to olive oil. A potent combination your body shouldn't go without.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Style Advice From Karl Lagerfeld

This is such a hilarious article from Harper's Bazaar that my friend Cari brought to my attention. This stuff is soooo LOL. 

Fashion icon designer Karl Lagerfeld answers your style questions and worries. His answers are so entertaining, fresh and straight-up that the article deserved a blog post. 

This is my friend Cari's favorite excerpt from the interview:

HB: With distressed elbows, white T-shirts, and acid-washed jeans all the rage, I am paranoid that my friends will think I have gone to the poorhouse. What impression will I make? Will my friends judge me?

KL: The T-shirt can be impeccable, and the jeans, too. (The body has to be impeccable as well — that helps a lot.) If it's not, buy small sizes and less food.

And this is my favorite excerpt:

HB: I would love to sport a pair of extra-high sandals to a party, but will I be able to walk in them after a couple of drinks? Some of the models on the runways couldn't stay on their feet!

KL: Please, your question is childish. Don't drink when you wear stilettos. I can't advise you to get drunk at home to find out if you would be able to walk in them at a party. Plus, you aren't on the runway. Life should not be a fashion show. Only the girls in the shows have to wear unfinished prototypes. What you see later in the shops are safe — or safer. Naomi Campbell became a showstopper when she fell in her Vivienne Westwood platforms during a show. You don't have to go that high. If you're short, you can look out of proportion. Very high heels actually look better on tall girls, but men hate to walk around with giants who make them feel like midgets.