Thursday, June 18, 2009

Funfetti Time

I finally had some free time to relax, unwind and bake! I ended up baking Funfetti cupcakes. They were actually stars and stripes Funfetti, but the only available Funfetti frosting was the chocolate flavor. Anyway, how fun is it to bake Funfetti?!?! I had fun and they turned out sooo good!


  1. I was fortunate enough to have one. I must say that your baking and decorating skills are excellent! Too bad the picture doesn't quite look as good as they tasted. Damn T-mibile G1 phone camera makes everything look so 70's.

  2. Funfetti?!?!
    Looks like someone knows how to have a good time.

    hahaha, can those be mailed across seas
    i wonder...
