Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ode To My Basic Black Cami

Oh my dearest black basic cami,
Oh how I have missed thee.
For a week now you have been gone,
But in my drawer and with me do you belong.
I ponder of where I have last seen you,
but I have been left perplexed without a clue.
I remedy your loss by continually trying to find you,
Even though I could just always buy another that is new.
I have cleaned closets and drawers,
And searched under the bed and in dusty corners.
But I cling on to the hope that you will be found,
And the anxiousness and activity of the brain will finally reach its ground.
How I miss your comfort and look for layering,
You were the perfect cami, so essential, so fitting.
You were made up of the perfect material content and length,
Your delicate satin straps were able to hold up when laundered with strength.
You cannot be replaced by similar others in my closet that lay rest,
For it was you that would compliment my tops and tunics at best.
I hope one day when I am not looking you will find a way back to me,
So my lamenting and yearning will be only a distant memory. 


  1. LMAO! I LOOOOVE THIS ONE!!! I am so sorry it's missing! Maybe someone borrowed it?

  2. Thanks! I was actually going to write a "Dear Cami" thing because I had all these thoughts in my head on why I love and need it and how frustrated I am that I let it go missing so an ode just flowed naturally.

    Plus my OCD level is on high since it's gone missing! I don't know if anyone borrowed it, but I really hope it's just misplaced somewhere!

  3. Ha, that was a good poem. If it weren't for your OCD, you probably wouldn't be as funny as you are somthimes. That along with your random dance moves that you have perfect while strung out on Redbull of course.

    I'm sure you will find the shirt. You always find things when you least expect it. Keep the poems coming.
