Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dublin: Week 2 - Dublin Castle and Hop-On-Hop-Off Bus Tour

Dublin Castle
What is evident from my and Marisol's photos are the two different architectural styles of the castle. At first sight of the castle, it didn't take a non-art major to think "what the hell is going on with this castle?" or "There is some crazy stuff going on here!" because the buildings just don't match. Well, what I found out from the tour was that the Dublin Castle used to be the headquarters of British rule for more than 700 years or something like that. There is very little of the o.g. structure remaining except for an area that contains the Garda (Police) Museum. And amid all the government offices you will see a wide tower that sticks out like a big, fat sore thumb that immediately made me think of Rapunzel being locked in a similar tower letting her golden hair down for her prince. Not only was Rapunzel very healthy with strong roots and hair, but you gotta hand it to those German Brothers Grimm because they sure knew how to create a story like that! Anyway, those government offices really masks that the castle used to be a Viking fortress!!!

Enter to Dublin Castle

1-2-3, we are all different looking!!!

Lady Justice. 
There was always controversy about Lady J during British control. Her back is turned to the city and she is not blindfolded.

I am below you on your right Lady Justice. Are you biased?!?!?

Marisol is on her left.

There's our bus!!! Please wait for us!!!

Passing by Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin's oldest building founded circa 1030 by King Sitric.

My cute lil' fair-haired, fair-skinned friend smiles big for me. I tell ya' kids love me!

St. Patrick's Cathedral

St. Patrick's Cathedral. This is the National Cathedral for the Church of Ireland (Anglican) Community in Ireland. Cathedral was built by the 1st Anglo-Norman Bishop, John Comyn in 1192, on the site of a little wooden church dedicated to St. Patrick. Gulliver's Travels author, Jonathon Swift is buried here.


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